
Registration is free. To register for the Movie Appreciation, please email with the subject of 'Buddhist Movies Appreciation DDYS Registration', or fill up the Dharma Drum Singapore activities registration form and mail to Dharma Drum Singapore. Seat are limited and registration are on a first come first basis. 


15 March, Sat

2pm - 4pm


Arhingsaka was born in India to a noble family. Despite his noble birth, his horoscope showed to be born under the sign of thieves, and thus was preordained for a wicked life. On his 16th birthday his father sent him to complete his education and Arhingsaka became the teacher's favorite; the other jealous students told the master that Arhingsaka was flirting with the teachers wife. Deciding to punish his former star pupil, he told Arhingsaka : "You have almost completed your training; there is just one thing left to do. Once you finish your life of suffering will be over, and you will become a Bodhisattva. You must single-handedly kill 1,000 people" Arhingsaka changed: once he was bright and his mind light; he was tall, handsome and muscular. Now he turned grim and ugly, hunched over and plodding. He no longer laughed or spoke and he haunted the forests like a wild animal. He endeavored to complete his task, until an enlightening encounter with the Buddha halted his bloody quest. His new name, Angulimala, meant "garland of fingers", which he wore around his neck.

4pm - 4.30pm

茶点 Tea break

4.30pm - 6pm

Movie Review: by Mr Shen Shi An (in English)

Shen Shi'an was one of the founding members of the Dharma Propagation Division of Kong Meng San Phor Kark See Monastery in 1997, with experience in Dharma event management, initiating youth activities, purchasing for its Awareness Place bookshop project and management of its library. Currently, he heads the monastery's Web Department. He is the founder-editor of, a Buddhist e-newsletter with 24,000 international members, the editor of "Be a Lamp Upon Yourself" and "The Daily Enlightenment (Book I & 2)" and an editor-writer for the monastery's "Awaken" magazine. He frequently conducts Buddhist discussions for youth, and teaches in Singapore Buddhist Federation's (SBF) English Dharma Class. He also writes for SBF's magazine "Nanyang Buddhist" and (an international Buddhist news network). He has represented Buddhist points of view during IRO, NACLI, NHB, NHG, SPF, SPM, SAF and ACM events. He also runs, which is a personal Buddhist blog project that hopes to promote the community sharing of Buddhism via writing. He is also a movie critic, keen to share aspects of the Buddha's teachings through the silver screen. His Dharma-movie reviews can be found at and .

29 March, Sat

2pm - 4.30pm

7 Years in Tibet

In 1939, Heinrich Harrer, the famous Austrian mountaineer, and his countryman Peter Aufschnaiter, set out to climb Nanga Parbat, one of the highest peaks in the Himalayas. The self-centered Harrer would experience an emotional awakening on his fantastic journey that would take him from the heights of conquest to the depths of the internment in a British prisoner-or-war camp, then from escape and a harrowing two-year through the Himalayas to the mysterious Tibetan city of Lhasa. Harrer was befriended by the young Dalai Lama, and was asked to tutor him in English, Geography and the ways of hte western world. He spent seven years in Tibet, during a period of tremendous political upheaval in that country, graced with the friendship and the spiritual enlightenment of the young Dalai Lama. As the deep and abiding bond between these two isolated, lonely people evolved, the selfish and egotistical Harrer experienced selflessness for the first time, allowing him to complete the emotional transformation which began on this way to Lhasa.

4.30pm - 5pm

茶点 Tea break

5pm - 6.30pm

短片制作讲座(华语) 韩耀光先生 主讲Short Film Making Seminar : Mr Han Yew Kwang (in Mandarin)

前新传媒和U频道编剧,主要作品有《播音人》,《敢敢做个开心人》,《重进森林》和《等一个晴天》。曾于义安理工学院电影制作高级文凭课程主修导演。毕业短片《The Call Home》获新加坡国际电影节最佳短片和观众投选最佳短片两项大奖。2006年推出首部独立电影,也就是备受影展欢迎的荒诞喜剧《铁男》。

新作《爱情十八克》(18 Grams of Love)先在法国里昂亚洲影展摘下The Public Award for Best Film以及 Young Jury Award,过后在波兰的Ofensiva国际影展摘下公共奖。《爱情十八克》将在今年的第21届新加坡国际电影节412日上映。刚完成电视剧《飞越佛跳墙》的耀光,计划在2008年拍摄他的第一部商业电影。

12 April, Sat

2pm - 4pm




4pm - 4.30pm

茶点 Tea break

4.30pm - 6pm

短片制作工作坊(华语/英语) Short Film Making Mini-workshop: by DDYS (in Mandarin/English)


It's easy to make your own short film? How? Come attend this fund and easy short film making mini-workshop!




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